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Election Night Thread
(11-10-2016, 12:12 AM)taramarie Wrote: ‘Not Our President’: Protests Spread After Donald Trump’s Election

I read the article.  Sorry, but the NYT is no longer a credible media source.  I also read some other random stuff.
They need to fire their staff and hire this random Matt guy in the letters to the editor.

Matt Wrote:To the Editor:
To say the least, this election cycle has not been the most ideal introduction for a first-time voter like me. Nevertheless, as a proud young American, I have complete faith in our nation’s ability to move forward — regardless of the bleak outcome on Tuesday.
I implore Donald Trump to restore a sense of unity to our polarized and vitriolic political and social realms. I implore Mr. Trump to act in a way that fosters pride in the political system of our country, especially for the sake of my generation. And, lastly, I implore Mr. Trump to keep the promise that he made to the American public at the G.O.P. convention in July to be a compassionate head of state for all citizens. Godspeed!
New York

He got his point across without the usual spin that rag has.
---Value Added Cool
For non astrologers and people interested in political change, a main message of this election is, you better pick a candidate who is entertaining and conveys strength, authenticity and personal power. He or she better be a great communicator, which doesn't necessarily mean logical or straight and honest with words; and preferably appeal in some way to the cultural tastes of middle America, or at least not offend it. Otherwise, you will probably lose. It's all based on style, not substance. Politics in America is just another commercial business.

I think a dynasty is born. According to my candidate horoscope system, which predicted a Trump nomination and win, Ivanka Trump will become president. A dynasty is born, and a potential dynasty has ended. Chelsea won't.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-09-2016, 11:46 PM)Warren Dew Wrote:
(11-09-2016, 04:09 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(11-09-2016, 02:44 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: The unravelling pattern has been a period of Republican borrow and spend trickle down leading to economic hardship, followed by the Democrats coming in for a time to right the ship.  Trump has other liabilities in addition to the poor economic plans.  I don't know that the pattern is apt to break.

Kinser long ago championed Trump as he was the candidate most likely to cause a Marxist revolution.  I don't anticipate the revolution, but if he runs the government like he ran his campaign, we might get a regeneracy.

The one element that makes this scary is the time lag.  If I kill the entire climate control regime, and put fossil fuels on steroids, then the climate will set the time clock for us.  Add the end of Dodd-Frank to the hyper-rapacious nature of modern capitalism, and the resources to respond might be decimated too.  We're a lot more fragile than we look.

Fossil fueled electricity is soon to be killed by solar.  Musk is big enough that rooftop solar will soon supply most of the electricity in America.

It would help if the Democrats would start supporting carbon tax initiatives, such as the one that failed in Washington state, rather than using the poor as an excuse to take no action.

I agree with you. One thing I heard was that the Sierra Club opposed the WA initiative. Very poor judgement by an organization I have longer supported.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
It is a terrible election outcome. I don't know what protests can do about it. Many people blame the elites for our problems. I know people don't like it when I say it, but we do still live in a democracy where voting matters. So it's we the people who are responsible. We can elect leaders who can rein in, regulate and tax the elites. If we don't, we are complicit and in fact almost fully responsible. It's true that we can't entirely help it if the candidates available are not up to snuff. But they come from the people too, and since we make it so difficult to serve, that limits the field. This is not a clever rhetorical approach for me to take, I confess; it's the opposite of Jimmy Carter's in 1976. We need the people to be good enough to choose good leaders, is how I would put it.

I never get why the people, if they feel economically challenged and want to vote for better politicians who can help them deal with it in some way, vote for the very politicians who created the mess. They do this almost constantly. They've done it virtually consistently for 4 straight elections. And then they are upset because the system is broken, so again they vote for the same old folks who have broken it yet again. It reminds me of Einstein's definition of insanity. It shouldn't be so hard to figure out that trickle-down economics doesn't work.

And yet most of our friends in the heartland, mostly in the vast flyover country between the Sierras and the Appalachians, still believe in it and hold on to it with religious fervor and unquestioning faith. For the most typical traditionalists who ironically vote Republican in order to "shake up the Establishment" and "change Washington," this mantra of trickle-down, free market, self-reliance ideology is blended with their traditional loyalty to authoritarian values; like "God family and country." Naturally people like me from the coasts, who experienced the sixties and "the whiff of Woodstock," are not authoritarian, and instead hold that the real Americans are those who question authority and become informed and concerned about what policies actually work. The flyover country folks seem incapable of doing this, and instead want only to boost and protect their traditional culture, which includes trickle down economics or whatever name you call it (and it has quite a few names you probably know by now).

Folks here like Odin and Danielle object when I refer to this. I'm sorry about that, but I don't think I can not mention the elephant in the room, just because it's not polite. This is a good forum that explores real issues, when it is at its best. It could not be more obvious that the nation is split between traditional and progressive/anti-authoritarian values. It's painted on our election maps with the large swath of red in the middle and the slender blue lines on the east and west coasts and near the borders. By its very nature, the authoritarian, free-market ideology and its culture inhibits progress. And the false slogans of freedom are NOT that hard for anyone to see through. Even if the folks in flyover country are supposed to be less educated and intellectual, I DON'T look upon them as inferior folks, or us as superior, and therefore I can't understand why they can't make these simple steps in understanding. All Americans are smart, skilled, dedicated and capable folks. They are able to know what is in their interests. There's something else going on here. I don't know how it changes. But as long as the authoritarian faction manages to rule over us, even though they are in the slight minority, we are stuck in the past and going in reverse, and this means national decline.

I have not been a particular fan of the United States since the days of the Vietnam war and protests. I have never been a fan of authoritarian values of any sort. But I have always believed, like our Democratic Party leaders keep saying, that we have potential to be great-- not "again," but in the future. That is one difference between us; which way our heads are pointed. Forward or backwards. Maybe it's because we can look out over the sea, at least sometimes. We are not provincial.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
And of course I will miss Barack Obama, as well as Hillary Clinton. There have been very few presidents in my lifetime who I felt graced the office and gave it the dignity it merits. When I was young we all looked to President Eisenhower as a wise and awesome presence. Jack Kennedy was the epitome of grace. From then on, no-one; although Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton came close. Only Barack Obama deserves the adjective. Trump will not.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Wanted to share what an alderwoman of St. Louis, my hometown, posted on facebook. 

Quote:There is no doubt that there is much fear, anxiety, and blame that is taking place after last night’s results. The unexpected happened. We lost the Presidency, we lost the House, we lost the Senate, and as a result, we lost the Supreme Court. Republican supermajorities took hold in states all across the country, including our own, promising us a future that leaves workers, minorities, immigrants, and women behind. We have no one to blame but the Democratic Party. We failed, and from this the Party must look inward, recognize the failure, and build a New Democratic Party; one that is actually democratic.

For the last 7 years we have been in the midst of a gradual populist uprising that we have been too blind to admit. From the rise of Occupy, the Fight for $15, and Black Lives Matter on the left, to the rise of white nationalist and militia movements on the right, people have been screaming that they feel our government has not been working for them, but we did not listen. Both the Republican and Democratic parties saw a rebellion take place within their own ranks. While the Republican rebellion was successful, the Democratic rebellion was quelled, without seeking to learn from its near success.

Economic anxiety was the issue of the election, and the cure was either authoritarianism or socialism. This election was not so much about issues as it was about cultivating confidence in a system that has left so many behind. This election was not a repudiation of progressive values; it was about a repudiation of the status quo. The Democratic Party failed to be the party that ushered in the New Deal and Great Society. We failed to be the party of “hope” and “change.” In this failure, we have chosen a future that will continue to choose corporate welfare over the welfare of the people.

As a party, we were more concerned with protecting our own people who had done their time and stood in line then protecting the American people who feel they are out of time.

We come hat in hand to the African American Community, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to the Hispanic Community, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to millennials, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to women, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to the working class, but what have we done for them lately?

Each of these groups did not come out in the force that we needed them to. They didn’t have our back because we haven’t had theirs. There have been a few brave people within the ranks of the Democratic Party who have dared called this out, only to be told to get in line, that questioning the Party only weakens the Party and will make it easier for the Republicans to win.

No. Refusing to look inward, to recognize our faults, to cut our liabilities, and to have the trust of the American people is what weakened the party. Refusing to really listen to our so-called black, and brown, and female, and millennial, and working-class coalition, weakened the party. Using the same old bag of tricks in an election cycle that was anything but ordinary, weakened the party. Saying we know better than the ordinary people we are supposed to represent weakened the party.

There is no one to blame but ourselves. The Democratic Party as we know it must be dismantled. We must clean house and from the ashes build a new party that actually stands for ordinary people.

Today we rest, we mourn, we cry. Tomorrow we fight, we rebuild, we organize. This isn’t the end. It’s the beginning. For love of country, for love of people, we all must fight.
(11-10-2016, 01:26 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: For non astrologers and people interested in political change, a main message of this election is, you better pick a candidate who is entertaining and conveys strength, authenticity and personal power. He or she better be a great communicator, which doesn't necessarily mean logical or straight and honest with words; and preferably appeal in some way to the cultural tastes of middle America, or at least not offend it. Otherwise, you will probably lose. It's all based on style, not substance. Politics in America is just another commercial business.

I think a dynasty is born. According to my candidate horoscope system, which predicted a Trump nomination and win, Ivanka Trump will become president. A dynasty is born, and a potential dynasty has ended. Chelsea won't.

-- funny  l seem to remember you insisting the hildabitch would prevail, despite her #s sucking in your system.
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(11-10-2016, 02:30 AM)gabrielle Wrote: Wanted to share what an alderwoman of St. Louis, my hometown, posted on facebook. 

Quote:There is no doubt that there is much fear, anxiety, and blame that is taking place after last night’s results. The unexpected happened. We lost the Presidency, we lost the House, we lost the Senate, and as a result, we lost the Supreme Court. Republican supermajorities took hold in states all across the country, including our own, promising us a future that leaves workers, minorities, immigrants, and women behind. We have no one to blame but the Democratic Party. We failed, and from this the Party must look inward, recognize the failure, and build a New Democratic Party; one that is actually democratic.

For the last 7 years we have been in the midst of a gradual populist uprising that we have been too blind to admit. From the rise of Occupy, the Fight for $15, and Black Lives Matter on the left, to the rise of white nationalist and militia movements on the right, people have been screaming that they feel our government has not been working for them, but we did not listen. Both the Republican and Democratic parties saw a rebellion take place within their own ranks. While the Republican rebellion was successful, the Democratic rebellion was quelled, without seeking to learn from its near success.

Economic anxiety was the issue of the election, and the cure was either authoritarianism or socialism. This election was not so much about issues as it was about cultivating confidence in a system that has left so many behind. This election was not a repudiation of progressive values; it was about a repudiation of the status quo. The Democratic Party failed to be the party that ushered in the New Deal and Great Society. We failed to be the party of “hope” and “change.” In this failure, we have chosen a future that will continue to choose corporate welfare over the welfare of the people.

As a party, we were more concerned with protecting our own people who had done their time and stood in line then protecting the American people who feel they are out of time.

We come hat in hand to the African American Community, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to the Hispanic Community, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to millennials, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to women, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to the working class, but what have we done for them lately?

Each of these groups did not come out in the force that we needed them to. They didn’t have our back because we haven’t had theirs. There have been a few brave people within the ranks of the Democratic Party who have dared called this out, only to be told to get in line, that questioning the Party only weakens the Party and will make it easier for the Republicans to win.

No. Refusing to look inward, to recognize our faults, to cut our liabilities, and to have the trust of the American people is what weakened the party. Refusing to really listen to our so-called black, and brown, and female, and millennial, and working-class coalition, weakened the party. Using the same old bag of tricks in an election cycle that was anything but ordinary, weakened the party. Saying we know better than the ordinary people we are supposed to represent weakened the party.

There is no one to blame but ourselves. The Democratic Party as we know it must be dismantled. We must clean house and from the ashes build a new party that actually stands for ordinary people.

Today we rest, we mourn, we cry. Tomorrow we fight, we rebuild, we organize. This isn’t the end. It’s the beginning. For love of country, for love of people, we all must fight.

-- this alderwoman shoild run for prez in 2020 Big Grin

The upside to all of this is it will be easier to dismantle & rebuild the party now that the hildabitch won't be returning to the WH
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(11-10-2016, 01:26 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I think a dynasty is born. According to my candidate horoscope system, which predicted a Trump nomination and win, Ivanka Trump will become president. A dynasty is born, and a potential dynasty has ended. Chelsea won't.

As I recall, you predicted a Clinton win which tell me that astrology, your system and thus any predictions from it are total crap.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(11-10-2016, 12:07 AM)taramarie Wrote: Has anyone heard about the massive rebellion going on all over America? Apparently the millies are marching out of school (high school/college level) and protesting over the results of the election. I bloody well hope they actually voted instead of sitting at home and now suddenly protesting. But I am hearing it is all over America. I am stunned. But cannot say I am not pleased by this. There is hope.

The news is overplaying this one, it is just the SJW snowflakes doing what they do best.  Unless you are near a university campus you wouldn't know anything about it.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(11-10-2016, 02:30 AM)gabrielle Wrote: Wanted to share what an alderwoman of St. Louis, my hometown, posted on facebook. 

Quote:There is no doubt that there is much fear, anxiety, and blame that is taking place after last night’s results. The unexpected happened. We lost the Presidency, we lost the House, we lost the Senate, and as a result, we lost the Supreme Court. Republican supermajorities took hold in states all across the country, including our own, promising us a future that leaves workers, minorities, immigrants, and women behind. We have no one to blame but the Democratic Party. We failed, and from this the Party must look inward, recognize the failure, and build a New Democratic Party; one that is actually democratic.

For the last 7 years we have been in the midst of a gradual populist uprising that we have been too blind to admit. From the rise of Occupy, the Fight for $15, and Black Lives Matter on the left, to the rise of white nationalist and militia movements on the right, people have been screaming that they feel our government has not been working for them, but we did not listen. Both the Republican and Democratic parties saw a rebellion take place within their own ranks. While the Republican rebellion was successful, the Democratic rebellion was quelled, without seeking to learn from its near success.

Economic anxiety was the issue of the election, and the cure was either authoritarianism or socialism. This election was not so much about issues as it was about cultivating confidence in a system that has left so many behind. This election was not a repudiation of progressive values; it was about a repudiation of the status quo. The Democratic Party failed to be the party that ushered in the New Deal and Great Society. We failed to be the party of “hope” and “change.” In this failure, we have chosen a future that will continue to choose corporate welfare over the welfare of the people.

As a party, we were more concerned with protecting our own people who had done their time and stood in line then protecting the American people who feel they are out of time.

We come hat in hand to the African American Community, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to the Hispanic Community, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to millennials, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to women, but what have we done for them lately?

We come hat in hand to the working class, but what have we done for them lately?

Each of these groups did not come out in the force that we needed them to. They didn’t have our back because we haven’t had theirs. There have been a few brave people within the ranks of the Democratic Party who have dared called this out, only to be told to get in line, that questioning the Party only weakens the Party and will make it easier for the Republicans to win.

No. Refusing to look inward, to recognize our faults, to cut our liabilities, and to have the trust of the American people is what weakened the party. Refusing to really listen to our so-called black, and brown, and female, and millennial, and working-class coalition, weakened the party. Using the same old bag of tricks in an election cycle that was anything but ordinary, weakened the party. Saying we know better than the ordinary people we are supposed to represent weakened the party.

There is no one to blame but ourselves. The Democratic Party as we know it must be dismantled. We must clean house and from the ashes build a new party that actually stands for ordinary people.

Today we rest, we mourn, we cry. Tomorrow we fight, we rebuild, we organize. This isn’t the end. It’s the beginning. For love of country, for love of people, we all must fight.

See my new signature line. Wink

I'm in 100% agreement with this.
Maybe it's time to revisit this?

And the razor-thin victory that Hillary did pull out in New Hampshire keeps it coterminous so to speak - and the necessary adjustments would need to made for VA (change to blue) and PA, OH, MI and WI (change to red):

[Image: map-jesusland.jpg]
"These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation" - Justice David Brewer, Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 1892
I'm ready Anthony, but so far it looks like Illinois would be cut off from joining a coterminous USC. Realistically, only the coastlines would be likely to join it, for now, unless Trump horrifies his former voters in the other former blue states. Probably on the coasts of the west, and the small states and coasts of the east, as inland portions of states like CA NY OR PA WA would stay in Jesusland. New Mexico could join Old Mexico if it wanted.

And it might not be pretty. Although Democrats would be all too happy to let Texas secede, Trump with his revenge temperament might play Lincoln and call on his troops to invade CA and the NE coast.

We Americans may just have voted to become Syria.

California has never waged a war for independence. It was easy for Polk to capture it. Nothing much more than raising a flag. But now, troops on the ground have to cross mountains and deserts. Trump can send bombers and drones to turn our lovely cities into ruins. He can shell us from the sea, but not reach too much. But it may take much more to actually conquer us. Look how long it has taken Assad, Iran and Putin to conquer Syria, even with half the country fleeing. I'm sure we can find some jihadists of some kind to help us defend ourselves too. Trump and Putin will therefore call us "terrorists" and even allow them in for propaganda purposes.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
The more I reflect on this, the more I am certain we have voted ourselves a dictator. Or at least flyover Amerika did. Oh, he will start out pretty nice, maybe asking congress for an infrastructure bill. Like Hitler too, he likes building projects. He'd have to get his Republican congress to go along with deficit spending to get it. I'm not sure how many Republicans he can get for this, although many Democrats would go along. Maybe he can just order the treasury to print money for it, and just order it done. Republicans won't impeach him for that. But after the 2018 midterms he could have a filibuster-proof Senate. He could pass as much oppressive legislation as he wants. He may have enough Court appointments to make it legal. Voting rights suppression laws will be back in force in many states, keeping them red. He can't be impeached for any crimes, because the Republicans don't care about the law. He's a star too. He can get away with anything; they let him do it. Grab us all by the pussy.

It won't be funny either. Activists and protesters will offend him, and he will put them in jail, or shoot them. Police will shoot blacks with impunity, and so will any angry person with a gun be allowed to shoot anyone with impunity. Only friendly journalists will be able to cover him. He will dispense nothing but lies to the press, further propagated by his minions on facebook and twitter. Comparisons to Mussolini and Hitler are not hyperbole. People in the know about these things say he actually IS Mussolini reincarnate. And he could find another Hitler to ally with abroad. Putin is already a candidate. Maybe Kim Jung Un.

No, mine is not the only worldview exploding. Anyone with a brain will have their worldview, and their world, exploded. It will be harder and harder for any thinking person to translate his statements into the lies that they are. Many will just believe whatever he says. The results are a world imperiled in many, many ways, and there's nothing we can do about it.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-10-2016, 04:09 AM)Galen Wrote:
(11-10-2016, 01:26 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I think a dynasty is born. According to my candidate horoscope system, which predicted a Trump nomination and win, Ivanka Trump will become president. A dynasty is born, and a potential dynasty has ended. Chelsea won't.

As I recall, you predicted a Clinton win which tell me that astrology, your system and thus any predictions from it are total crap.

And you are one of the deplorables. You use one failure to discredit all my successes. I'm sure you can get the other deplorables here to agree with you. I don't care anymore. Trump's horoscope score predicted a win. Ivanka's is even better; the best around. So, ignore my predictions if you like. Remember them. You can say they are crap. By then you may not have the freedom to say anything. I am now predicting things so dire that you won't be able to even read them after a while.

Your idiot ideology proves that everything you say is deplorable.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-10-2016, 03:15 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:
(11-10-2016, 02:55 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: The more I reflect on this, the more I am certain we have voted ourselves a dictator. Or at least flyover Amerika did. Oh, he will start out pretty nice, maybe asking congress for an infrastructure bill. Like Hitler too, he likes building projects. He'd have to get his Republican congress to go along with deficit spending to get it. I'm not sure how many Republicans he can get for this, although many Democrats would go along. Maybe he can just order the treasury to print money for it, and just order it done. Republicans won't impeach him for that. But after the 2018 midterms he could have a filibuster-proof Senate. He could pass as much oppressive legislation as he wants. He may have enough Court appointments to make it legal. Voting rights suppression laws will be back in force in many states, keeping them red. He can't be impeached for any crimes, because the Republicans don't care about the law. He's a star too. He can get away with anything; they let him do it. Grab us all by the pussy.

It won't be funny either. Activists and protesters will offend him, and he will put them in jail, or shoot them. Police will shoot blacks with impunity, and so will any angry person with a gun be allowed to shoot anyone with impunity. Only friendly journalists will be able to cover him. He will dispense nothing but lies to the press, further propagated by his minions on facebook and twitter. Comparisons to Mussolini and Hitler are not hyperbole. People in the know about these things say he actually IS Mussolini reincarnate. And he could find another Hitler to ally with abroad. Putin is already a candidate. Maybe Kim Jung Un.

No, mine is not the only worldview exploding. Anyone with a brain will have their worldview, and their world, exploded. It will be harder and harder for any thinking person to translate his statements into the lies that they are. Many will just believe whatever he says. The results are a world imperiled in many, many ways, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Maybe not a full on dictator but certainly we can expect an authoritarian bent. We can also expect his "brand" to continue featuring a mix of "Paleo con" thinking of the Pat Buchannan stripe, and, National Bolshevism watered down for Western / North American consumption. Scary possibility - Flynn as a possible cabinet member. An actual Kremlin mole.   Exclamation

Oh, I think Flynn is a slam dunk to be secretary of defense.

He may not be full-on dictator for the first 2 years. But after he gets his full tools lined up, he will be.

An interesting question. If he went outside the White House onto Pennsylvania Ave and shot somebody, would he lose any support? I think not.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-10-2016, 03:17 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(11-10-2016, 04:09 AM)Galen Wrote:
(11-10-2016, 01:26 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I think a dynasty is born. According to my candidate horoscope system, which predicted a Trump nomination and win, Ivanka Trump will become president. A dynasty is born, and a potential dynasty has ended. Chelsea won't.

As I recall, you predicted a Clinton win which tell me that astrology, your system and thus any predictions from it are total crap.

And you are one of the deplorables. You use one failure to discredit all my successes. I'm sure you can get the other deplorables here to agree with you. I don't care anymore. Trump's horoscope score predicted a win. Ivanka's is even better; the best around. So, ignore my predictions if you like. Remember them. You can say they are crap. By then you may not have the freedom to say anything. I am now predicting things so dire that you won't be able to even read them after a while.

Having read your other pages it would be impossible to come to any other conclusion but that your system and predictions are total crap.  Being called one of the deplorables by yourself, a complete moron, and Hillary who is pure molten evil is truly a badge of honor.  You guys really should have paid more attention to what Scott Adams had to say about that.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(11-10-2016, 04:09 PM)taramarie Wrote: Sigh. Ok Eric has not learned after all.

I think this video sums up his approach to life.

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(11-10-2016, 04:26 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(11-10-2016, 04:22 PM)Galen Wrote:
(11-10-2016, 04:09 PM)taramarie Wrote: Sigh. Ok Eric has not learned after all.

I think this video sums up his approach to life.

True. Not only that though he bashes anyone who does not believe in what he does. I can understand his anger as well as the republicans anger and reaction. But bashing is what lead to even more division and anger. It is of course not the only reason. But it fed it. I hope he learns that with time.
If Eric the Obtuse were still capable of learning there would be some evidence of it by now.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(11-10-2016, 02:55 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: The more I reflect on this, the more I am certain we have voted ourselves a dictator. Or at least flyover Amerika did. Oh, he will start out pretty nice, maybe asking congress for an infrastructure bill. Like Hitler too, he likes building projects. He'd have to get his Republican congress to go along with deficit spending to get it. I'm not sure how many Republicans he can get for this, although many Democrats would go along. Maybe he can just order the treasury to print money for it, and just order it done. Republicans won't impeach him for that. But after the 2018 midterms he could have a filibuster-proof Senate. He could pass as much oppressive legislation as he wants. He may have enough Court appointments to make it legal. Voting rights suppression laws will be back in force in many states, keeping them red. He can't be impeached for any crimes, because the Republicans don't care about the law. He's a star too. He can get away with anything; they let him do it. Grab us all by the pussy.

It won't be funny either. Activists and protesters will offend him, and he will put them in jail, or shoot them. Police will shoot blacks with impunity, and so will any angry person with a gun be allowed to shoot anyone with impunity. Only friendly journalists will be able to cover him. He will dispense nothing but lies to the press, further propagated by his minions on facebook and twitter. Comparisons to Mussolini and Hitler are not hyperbole. People in the know about these things say he actually IS Mussolini reincarnate. And he could find another Hitler to ally with abroad. Putin is already a candidate. Maybe Kim Jung Un.

No, mine is not the only worldview exploding. Anyone with a brain will have their worldview, and their world, exploded. It will be harder and harder for any thinking person to translate his statements into the lies that they are. Many will just believe whatever he says. The results are a world imperiled in many, many ways, and there's nothing we can do about it.

-- calm down Eric & cast a chart. lt may not be as bad as all that. Keep in mind we're in a 4T. We may need a Donald presidency in order to elect somebody decent in 2020 & kickstart the regeneracy
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart

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